Rapid Face Mask Detection and Person Identification Model based on Deep
Neural Networks
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09951v1
- Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 15:29:14 GMT
- Title: Rapid Face Mask Detection and Person Identification Model based on Deep
Neural Networks
- Authors: Abdullah Ahmad Khan (1), Mohd. Belal (2) and GhufranUllah (3) ((1,2
and 3) Aligarh Muslim University)
- Abstract summary: Covid-19 has been constantly getting mutated and in three or four months a new variant gets introduced to us.
The things that prevent us from getting Covid is getting vaccinated and wearing a face mask.
In this paper, we have implemented a new Face Mask Detection and Person Recognition model named Insight face.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: As Covid-19 has been constantly getting mutated and in three or four months a
new variant gets introduced to us and it comes with more deadly problems. The
things that prevent us from getting Covid is getting vaccinated and wearing a
face mask. In this paper, we have implemented a new Face Mask Detection and
Person Recognition model named Insight face which is based on SoftMax loss
classification algorithm Arc Face loss and names it as RFMPI-DNN(Rapid Face
Detection and Peron Identification Model based on Deep Neural Networks) to
detect face mask and person identity rapidly as compared to other models
available. To compare our new model, we have used previous MobileNet_V2 model
and face recognition module for effective comparison on the basis of time. The
proposed model implemented in the system has outperformed the model compared in
this paper in every aspect
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