Disentanglement by Cyclic Reconstruction
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2112.12980v1
- Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2021 07:47:59 GMT
- Title: Disentanglement by Cyclic Reconstruction
- Authors: David Bertoin, Emmanuel Rachelson (DMIA)
- Abstract summary: In supervised learning, information specific to the dataset used for training, but irrelevant to the task at hand, may remain encoded in the extracted representations.
We propose splitting the information into a task-related representation and its complementary context representation.
We then adapt this method to the unsupervised domain adaptation problem, consisting of training a model capable of performing on both a source and a target domain.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Deep neural networks have demonstrated their ability to automatically extract
meaningful features from data. However, in supervised learning, information
specific to the dataset used for training, but irrelevant to the task at hand,
may remain encoded in the extracted representations. This remaining information
introduces a domain-specific bias, weakening the generalization performance. In
this work, we propose splitting the information into a task-related
representation and its complementary context representation. We propose an
original method, combining adversarial feature predictors and cyclic
reconstruction, to disentangle these two representations in the single-domain
supervised case. We then adapt this method to the unsupervised domain
adaptation problem, consisting of training a model capable of performing on
both a source and a target domain. In particular, our method promotes
disentanglement in the target domain, despite the absence of training labels.
This enables the isolation of task-specific information from both domains and a
projection into a common representation. The task-specific representation
allows efficient transfer of knowledge acquired from the source domain to the
target domain. In the single-domain case, we demonstrate the quality of our
representations on information retrieval tasks and the generalization benefits
induced by sharpened task-specific representations. We then validate the
proposed method on several classical domain adaptation benchmarks and
illustrate the benefits of disentanglement for domain adaptation.
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