Infinite wide (finite depth) Neural Networks benefit from multi-task
learning unlike shallow Gaussian Processes -- an exact quantitative
macroscopic characterization
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- Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2021 18:03:46 GMT
- Title: Infinite wide (finite depth) Neural Networks benefit from multi-task
learning unlike shallow Gaussian Processes -- an exact quantitative
macroscopic characterization
- Authors: Jakob Heiss, Josef Teichmann, Hanna Wutte
- Abstract summary: We prove that ReLU neural networks (NNs) with at least one hidden layer optimized with l2-regularization on the parameters enforces multi-task learning due to representation-learning.
This is in contrast to multiple other idealized settings discussed in the literature where wide (ReLU)-NNs loose their ability to benefit from multi-task learning in the limit width to infinity.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We prove in this paper that wide ReLU neural networks (NNs) with at least one
hidden layer optimized with l2-regularization on the parameters enforces
multi-task learning due to representation-learning - also in the limit width to
infinity. This is in contrast to multiple other idealized settings discussed in
the literature where wide (ReLU)-NNs loose their ability to benefit from
multi-task learning in the limit width to infinity. We deduce the multi-task
learning ability from proving an exact quantitative macroscopic
characterization of the learned NN in function space.
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