Blackbox Post-Processing for Multiclass Fairness
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- Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:21:20 GMT
- Title: Blackbox Post-Processing for Multiclass Fairness
- Authors: Preston Putzel and Scott Lee
- Abstract summary: We consider modifying the predictions of a blackbox machine learning classifier in order to achieve fairness in a multiclass setting.
We explore when our approach produces both fair and accurate predictions through systematic synthetic experiments.
We find that overall, our approach produces minor drops in accuracy and enforces fairness when the number of individuals in the dataset is high.
- Score: 1.5305403478254664
- License:
- Abstract: Applying standard machine learning approaches for classification can produce
unequal results across different demographic groups. When then used in
real-world settings, these inequities can have negative societal impacts. This
has motivated the development of various approaches to fair classification with
machine learning models in recent years. In this paper, we consider the problem
of modifying the predictions of a blackbox machine learning classifier in order
to achieve fairness in a multiclass setting. To accomplish this, we extend the
'post-processing' approach in Hardt et al. 2016, which focuses on fairness for
binary classification, to the setting of fair multiclass classification. We
explore when our approach produces both fair and accurate predictions through
systematic synthetic experiments and also evaluate discrimination-fairness
tradeoffs on several publicly available real-world application datasets. We
find that overall, our approach produces minor drops in accuracy and enforces
fairness when the number of individuals in the dataset is high relative to the
number of classes and protected groups.
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