Anytime Optimal PSRO for Two-Player Zero-Sum Games
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- Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:34:11 GMT
- Title: Anytime Optimal PSRO for Two-Player Zero-Sum Games
- Authors: Stephen McAleer, Kevin Wang, Marc Lanctot, John Lanier, Pierre Baldi,
Roy Fox
- Abstract summary: Policy Space Response Oracles (PSRO) is a reinforcement learning algorithm for games that can handle continuous actions.
AODO is a double oracle algorithm for 2-player zero-sum games that converges to a Nash equilibrium.
We show that our methods achieve far lower exploitability than DO and PSRO and never increase exploitability.
- Score: 17.821479538423155
- License:
- Abstract: Policy Space Response Oracles (PSRO) is a multi-agent reinforcement learning
algorithm for games that can handle continuous actions and has empirically
found approximate Nash equilibria in large games. PSRO is based on the tabular
Double Oracle (DO) method, an algorithm that is guaranteed to converge to a
Nash equilibrium, but may increase exploitability from one iteration to the
next. We propose Anytime Optimal Double Oracle (AODO), a tabular double oracle
algorithm for 2-player zero-sum games that is guaranteed to converge to a Nash
equilibrium while decreasing exploitability from iteration to iteration. Unlike
DO, in which the meta-strategy is based on the restricted game formed by each
player's strategy sets, AODO finds the meta-strategy for each player that
minimizes its exploitability against any policy in the full, unrestricted game.
We also propose a method of finding this meta-strategy via a no-regret
algorithm updated against a continually-trained best response, called RM-BR DO.
Finally, we propose Anytime Optimal PSRO, a version of AODO that calculates
best responses via reinforcement learning. In experiments on Leduc poker and
random normal form games, we show that our methods achieve far lower
exploitability than DO and PSRO and never increase exploitability.
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