Identifying a Training-Set Attack's Target Using Renormalized Influence
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- Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 02:36:34 GMT
- Title: Identifying a Training-Set Attack's Target Using Renormalized Influence
- Authors: Zayd Hammoudeh and Daniel Lowd
- Abstract summary: This work proposes the task of target identification, which determines whether a specific test instance is the target of a training-set attack.
Rather than focusing on a single attack method or data modality, we build on influence estimation, which quantifies each training instance's contribution to a model's prediction.
- Score: 11.663072799764542
- License:
- Abstract: Targeted training-set attacks inject malicious instances into the training
set to cause a trained model to mislabel one or more specific test instances.
This work proposes the task of target identification, which determines whether
a specific test instance is the target of a training-set attack. This can then
be combined with adversarial-instance identification to find (and remove) the
attack instances, mitigating the attack with minimal impact on other
predictions. Rather than focusing on a single attack method or data modality,
we build on influence estimation, which quantifies each training instance's
contribution to a model's prediction. We show that existing influence
estimators' poor practical performance often derives from their over-reliance
on instances and iterations with large losses. Our renormalized influence
estimators fix this weakness; they far outperform the original ones at
identifying influential groups of training examples in both adversarial and
non-adversarial settings, even finding up to 100% of adversarial training
instances with no clean-data false positives. Target identification then
simplifies to detecting test instances with anomalous influence values. We
demonstrate our method's generality on backdoor and poisoning attacks across
various data domains including text, vision, and speech. Our source code is
available at .
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