Gradient Methods Provably Converge to Non-Robust Networks
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- Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2022 08:58:54 GMT
- Title: Gradient Methods Provably Converge to Non-Robust Networks
- Authors: Gal Vardi, Gilad Yehudai, Ohad Shamir
- Abstract summary: In adversarial networks, depth-$2LU$ Reperturbible gradient networks are provably non-robust.
We show that the well-known implicit bias towards a margin induces bias towards non-robust networks.
- Score: 40.83290846983707
- License:
- Abstract: Despite a great deal of research, it is still unclear why neural networks are
so susceptible to adversarial examples. In this work, we identify natural
settings where depth-$2$ ReLU networks trained with gradient flow are provably
non-robust (susceptible to small adversarial $\ell_2$-perturbations), even when
robust networks that classify the training dataset correctly exist. Perhaps
surprisingly, we show that the well-known implicit bias towards margin
maximization induces bias towards non-robust networks, by proving that every
network which satisfies the KKT conditions of the max-margin problem is
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