Negative result about the construction of genuinely entangled subspaces
from unextendible product bases
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- Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2022 09:34:32 GMT
- Title: Negative result about the construction of genuinely entangled subspaces
from unextendible product bases
- Authors: Maciej Demianowicz
- Abstract summary: Unextendible product bases (UPBs) provide a versatile tool with various applications across different areas of quantum information theory.
An open question asks about the existence of UPBs, which are genuinely unextendible, i.e., they are not extendible even with biproduct vectors.
We show that there are always forbidden cardinalities for such UPBs, including the minimal ones corresponding to GESs of the maximal dimensions.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Unextendible product bases (UPBs) provide a versatile tool with various
applications across different areas of quantum information theory. Their
comprehensive characterization is thus of great importance and has been a
subject of vital interest for over two decades now. An open question asks about
the existence of UPBs, which are genuinely unextendible, i.e., they are not
extendible even with biproduct vectors. In other words, the problem is to
verify whether there exist genuinely entangled subspaces (GESs), subspaces
composed solely of genuinely multiparty entangled states, complementary to
UPBs. We solve this problem in the negative for many sizes of UPBs in different
multipartite scenarios. In particular, in the all-important case of equal local
dimensions, we show that there are always forbidden cardinalities for such
UPBs, including the minimal ones corresponding to GESs of the maximal
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