On Guiding Visual Attention with Language Specification
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08926v1
- Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 22:40:19 GMT
- Title: On Guiding Visual Attention with Language Specification
- Authors: Suzanne Petryk, Lisa Dunlap, Keyan Nasseri, Joseph Gonzalez, Trevor
Darrell, and Anna Rohrbach
- Abstract summary: We use high-level language specification as advice for constraining the classification evidence to task-relevant features, instead of distractors.
We show that supervising spatial attention in this way improves performance on classification tasks with biased and noisy data.
- Score: 76.08326100891571
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: While real world challenges typically define visual categories with language
words or phrases, most visual classification methods define categories with
numerical indices. However, the language specification of the classes provides
an especially useful prior for biased and noisy datasets, where it can help
disambiguate what features are task-relevant. Recently, large-scale multimodal
models have been shown to recognize a wide variety of high-level concepts from
a language specification even without additional image training data, but they
are often unable to distinguish classes for more fine-grained tasks. CNNs, in
contrast, can extract subtle image features that are required for fine-grained
discrimination, but will overfit to any bias or noise in datasets. Our insight
is to use high-level language specification as advice for constraining the
classification evidence to task-relevant features, instead of distractors. To
do this, we ground task-relevant words or phrases with attention maps from a
pretrained large-scale model. We then use this grounding to supervise a
classifier's spatial attention away from distracting context. We show that
supervising spatial attention in this way improves performance on
classification tasks with biased and noisy data, including about 3-15%
worst-group accuracy improvements and 41-45% relative improvements on fairness
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