The Pareto Frontier of Instance-Dependent Guarantees in Multi-Player
Multi-Armed Bandits with no Communication
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- Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 18:19:36 GMT
- Title: The Pareto Frontier of Instance-Dependent Guarantees in Multi-Player
Multi-Armed Bandits with no Communication
- Authors: Allen Liu, Mark Sellke
- Abstract summary: We study the multi-player multi-armed bandit problem.
In this problem, $m$ players cooperate to maximize their total reward from $K > m$ arms.
We ask whether it is possible to obtain optimal instance-dependent regret $tildeO (1/Delta)$ where $Delta$ is the gap between the $m$-th and $m+1$-st best arms.
- Score: 10.446001329147112
- License:
- Abstract: We study the stochastic multi-player multi-armed bandit problem. In this
problem, $m$ players cooperate to maximize their total reward from $K > m$
arms. However the players cannot communicate and are penalized (e.g. receive no
reward) if they pull the same arm at the same time. We ask whether it is
possible to obtain optimal instance-dependent regret $\tilde{O}(1/\Delta)$
where $\Delta$ is the gap between the $m$-th and $m+1$-st best arms. Such
guarantees were recently achieved in a model allowing the players to implicitly
communicate through intentional collisions. We show that with no communication
at all, such guarantees are, surprisingly, not achievable. In fact, obtaining
the optimal $\tilde{O}(1/\Delta)$ regret for some regimes of $\Delta$
necessarily implies strictly sub-optimal regret in other regimes. Our main
result is a complete characterization of the Pareto optimal instance-dependent
trade-offs that are possible with no communication. Our algorithm generalizes
that of Bubeck, Budzinski, and the second author and enjoys the same strong
no-collision property, while our lower bound is based on a topological
obstruction and holds even under full information.
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