Adversarially Robust Learning with Tolerance
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- Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 03:50:16 GMT
- Title: Adversarially Robust Learning with Tolerance
- Authors: Hassan Ashtiani, Vinayak Pathak, Ruth Urner
- Abstract summary: We study the problem of tolerant adversarial PAC learning with respect to metric perturbation sets.
We show that a variant of the natural perturb-and-smooth algorithm PAC learns any hypothesis class $mathcalH$ with VC dimension $v$ in the $gamma$-tolerant adversarial setting.
We additionally propose an alternative learning method which yields sample bounds with only linear dependence on the doubling dimension.
- Score: 8.658596218544774
- License:
- Abstract: We study the problem of tolerant adversarial PAC learning with respect to
metric perturbation sets. In adversarial PAC learning, an adversary is allowed
to replace a test point $x$ with an arbitrary point in a closed ball of radius
$r$ centered at $x$. In the tolerant version, the error of the learner is
compared with the best achievable error with respect to a slightly larger
perturbation radius $(1+\gamma)r$.
For perturbation sets with doubling dimension $d$, we show that a variant of
the natural ``perturb-and-smooth'' algorithm PAC learns any hypothesis class
$\mathcal{H}$ with VC dimension $v$ in the $\gamma$-tolerant adversarial
setting with $O\left(\frac{v(1+1/\gamma)^{O(d)}}{\varepsilon}\right)$ samples.
This is the first such general guarantee with linear dependence on $v$ even for
the special case where the domain is the real line and the perturbation sets
are closed balls (intervals) of radius $r$. However, the proposed guarantees
for the perturb-and-smooth algorithm currently only hold in the tolerant robust
realizable setting and exhibit exponential dependence on $d$.
We additionally propose an alternative learning method which yields sample
complexity bounds with only linear dependence on the doubling dimension even in
the more general agnostic case. This approach is based on sample compression.
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