The Impact of Differential Privacy on Group Disparity Mitigation
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- Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2022 13:55:05 GMT
- Title: The Impact of Differential Privacy on Group Disparity Mitigation
- Authors: Victor Petr\'en Bach Hansen, Atula Tejaswi Neerkaje, Ramit Sawhney,
Lucie Flek, Anders S{\o}gaard
- Abstract summary: We evaluate the impact of differential privacy on fairness across four tasks.
We train $(varepsilon,delta)$-differentially private models with empirical risk minimization.
We find that differential privacy increases between-group performance differences in the baseline setting.
But differential privacy reduces between-group performance differences in the robust setting.
- Score: 28.804933301007644
- License:
- Abstract: The performance cost of differential privacy has, for some applications, been
shown to be higher for minority groups; fairness, conversely, has been shown to
disproportionally compromise the privacy of members of such groups. Most work
in this area has been restricted to computer vision and risk assessment. In
this paper, we evaluate the impact of differential privacy on fairness across
four tasks, focusing on how attempts to mitigate privacy violations and
between-group performance differences interact: Does privacy inhibit attempts
to ensure fairness? To this end, we train $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-differentially
private models with empirical risk minimization and group distributionally
robust training objectives. Consistent with previous findings, we find that
differential privacy increases between-group performance differences in the
baseline setting; but more interestingly, differential privacy reduces
between-group performance differences in the robust setting. We explain this by
reinterpreting differential privacy as regularization.
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