E-detectors: a nonparametric framework for sequential change detection
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03532v4
- Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 23:35:18 GMT
- Title: E-detectors: a nonparametric framework for sequential change detection
- Authors: Jaehyeok Shin, Aaditya Ramdas, Alessandro Rinaldo
- Abstract summary: We develop a fundamentally new and general framework for sequential change detection.
Our procedures come with clean, nonasymptotic bounds on the average run length.
We show how to design their mixtures in order to achieve both statistical and computational efficiency.
- Score: 86.15115654324488
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Sequential change detection is a classical problem with a variety of
applications. However, the majority of prior work has been parametric, for
example, focusing on exponential families. We develop a fundamentally new and
general framework for sequential change detection when the pre- and post-change
distributions are nonparametrically specified (and thus composite). Our
procedures come with clean, nonasymptotic bounds on the average run length
(frequency of false alarms). In certain nonparametric cases (like sub-Gaussian
or sub-exponential), we also provide near-optimal bounds on the detection delay
following a changepoint. The primary technical tool that we introduce is called
an \emph{e-detector}, which is composed of sums of e-processes -- a fundamental
generalization of nonnegative supermartingales -- that are started at
consecutive times. We first introduce simple Shiryaev-Roberts and CUSUM-style
e-detectors, and then show how to design their mixtures in order to achieve
both statistical and computational efficiency. Our e-detector framework can be
instantiated to recover classical likelihood-based procedures for parametric
problems, as well as yielding the first change detection method for many
nonparametric problems. As a running example, we tackle the problem of
detecting changes in the mean of a bounded random variable without i.i.d.
assumptions, with an application to tracking the performance of a basketball
team over multiple seasons.
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