A Fast Scale-Invariant Algorithm for Non-negative Least Squares with
Non-negative Data
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.03808v1
- Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2022 02:02:32 GMT
- Title: A Fast Scale-Invariant Algorithm for Non-negative Least Squares with
Non-negative Data
- Authors: Jelena Diakonikolas, Chenghui Li, Swati Padmanabhan, Chaobing Song
- Abstract summary: We show that the data itself is nonnegative as well, and we show that the nonnegativity in this case makes the problem easier.
In particular, while the oracle complexity of unconstrained least squares problems necessarily scales with one of the data matrix constants, we show that nonnegative least squares problems with nonnegative data are solvable to multiplicative error.
- Score: 18.81091632124107
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Nonnegative (linear) least square problems are a fundamental class of
problems that is well-studied in statistical learning and for which solvers
have been implemented in many of the standard programming languages used within
the machine learning community. The existing off-the-shelf solvers view the
non-negativity constraint in these problems as an obstacle and, compared to
unconstrained least squares, perform additional effort to address it. However,
in many of the typical applications, the data itself is nonnegative as well,
and we show that the nonnegativity in this case makes the problem easier. In
particular, while the oracle complexity of unconstrained least squares problems
necessarily scales with one of the data matrix constants (typically the
spectral norm) and these problems are solved to additive error, we show that
nonnegative least squares problems with nonnegative data are solvable to
multiplicative error and with complexity that is independent of any matrix
constants. The algorithm we introduce is accelerated and based on a primal-dual
perspective. We further show how to provably obtain linear convergence using
adaptive restart coupled with our method and demonstrate its effectiveness on
large-scale data via numerical experiments.
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