Multi-Scale Self-Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Mining for
Weakly-Supervised Query-based Video Grounding
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- Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2022 04:01:08 GMT
- Title: Multi-Scale Self-Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Mining for
Weakly-Supervised Query-based Video Grounding
- Authors: Shentong Mo, Daizong Liu, Wei Hu
- Abstract summary: We propose a self-contrastive learning framework to address the query-based video grounding task under a weakly-supervised setting.
Firstly, we propose a new grounding scheme that learns frame-wise matching scores referring to the query semantic to predict the possible foreground frames.
Secondly, since some predicted frames are relatively coarse and exhibit similar appearance to their adjacent frames, we propose a coarse-to-fine contrastive learning paradigm.
- Score: 27.05117092371221
- License:
- Abstract: Query-based video grounding is an important yet challenging task in video
understanding, which aims to localize the target segment in an untrimmed video
according to a sentence query. Most previous works achieve significant progress
by addressing this task in a fully-supervised manner with segment-level labels,
which require high labeling cost. Although some recent efforts develop
weakly-supervised methods that only need the video-level knowledge, they
generally match multiple pre-defined segment proposals with query and select
the best one, which lacks fine-grained frame-level details for distinguishing
frames with high repeatability and similarity within the entire video. To
alleviate the above limitations, we propose a self-contrastive learning
framework to address the query-based video grounding task under a
weakly-supervised setting. Firstly, instead of utilizing redundant segment
proposals, we propose a new grounding scheme that learns frame-wise matching
scores referring to the query semantic to predict the possible foreground
frames by only using the video-level annotations. Secondly, since some
predicted frames (i.e., boundary frames) are relatively coarse and exhibit
similar appearance to their adjacent frames, we propose a coarse-to-fine
contrastive learning paradigm to learn more discriminative frame-wise
representations for distinguishing the false positive frames. In particular, we
iteratively explore multi-scale hard negative samples that are close to
positive samples in the representation space for distinguishing fine-grained
frame-wise details, thus enforcing more accurate segment grounding. Extensive
experiments on two challenging benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our
proposed method compared with the state-of-the-art methods.
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