Improving Adversarial Transferability with Spatial Momentum
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- Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 07:03:17 GMT
- Title: Improving Adversarial Transferability with Spatial Momentum
- Authors: Guoqiu Wang, Xingxing Wei, Huanqian Yan
- Abstract summary: Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are vulnerable to adversarial examples.
Momentum-based attack (MI-FGSM) is one effective method to improve transferability.
We propose a novel method named Spatial Momentum Iterative FGSM Attack.
- Score: 10.460296317901662
- License:
- Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are vulnerable to adversarial examples. Although
many adversarial attack methods achieve satisfactory attack success rates under
the white-box setting, they usually show poor transferability when attacking
other DNN models. Momentum-based attack (MI-FGSM) is one effective method to
improve transferability. It integrates the momentum term into the iterative
process, which can stabilize the update directions by adding the gradients'
temporal correlation for each pixel. We argue that only this temporal momentum
is not enough, the gradients from the spatial domain within an image, i.e.
gradients from the context pixels centered on the target pixel are also
important to the stabilization. For that, in this paper, we propose a novel
method named Spatial Momentum Iterative FGSM Attack (SMI-FGSM), which
introduces the mechanism of momentum accumulation from temporal domain to
spatial domain by considering the context gradient information from different
regions within the image. SMI-FGSM is then integrated with MI-FGSM to
simultaneously stabilize the gradients' update direction from both the temporal
and spatial domain. The final method is called SM$^2$I-FGSM. Extensive
experiments are conducted on the ImageNet dataset and results show that
SM$^2$I-FGSM indeed further enhances the transferability. It achieves the best
transferability success rate for multiple mainstream undefended and defended
models, which outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin.
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