Assembly101: A Large-Scale Multi-View Video Dataset for Understanding
Procedural Activities
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 12:59:50 GMT
- Title: Assembly101: A Large-Scale Multi-View Video Dataset for Understanding
Procedural Activities
- Authors: Fadime Sener and Dibyadip Chatterjee and Daniel Shelepov and Kun He
and Dipika Singhania and Robert Wang and Angela Yao
- Abstract summary: Assembly101 is a new procedural activity dataset featuring 4321 videos of people assembling and disassembling 101 "take-apart" toy vehicles.
Participants work without fixed instructions, and the sequences feature rich and natural variations in action ordering, mistakes, and corrections.
Sequences are annotated with more than 100K coarse and 1M fine-grained action segments, and 18M 3D hand poses.
- Score: 29.05606394634704
- License:
- Abstract: Assembly101 is a new procedural activity dataset featuring 4321 videos of
people assembling and disassembling 101 "take-apart" toy vehicles. Participants
work without fixed instructions, and the sequences feature rich and natural
variations in action ordering, mistakes, and corrections. Assembly101 is the
first multi-view action dataset, with simultaneous static (8) and egocentric
(4) recordings. Sequences are annotated with more than 100K coarse and 1M
fine-grained action segments, and 18M 3D hand poses. We benchmark on three
action understanding tasks: recognition, anticipation and temporal
segmentation. Additionally, we propose a novel task of detecting mistakes. The
unique recording format and rich set of annotations allow us to investigate
generalization to new toys, cross-view transfer, long-tailed distributions, and
pose vs. appearance. We envision that Assembly101 will serve as a new challenge
to investigate various activity understanding problems.
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