Unimodal-Concentrated Loss: Fully Adaptive Label Distribution Learning
for Ordinal Regression
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00309v1
- Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 09:40:11 GMT
- Title: Unimodal-Concentrated Loss: Fully Adaptive Label Distribution Learning
for Ordinal Regression
- Authors: Qiang Li, Jingjing Wang, Zhaoliang Yao, Yachun Li, Pengju Yang,
Jingwei Yan, Chunmao Wang, Shiliang Pu
- Abstract summary: We argue that existing ALDL algorithms do not fully exploit the intrinsic properties of ordinal regression.
We propose a novel loss function for fully adaptive label distribution learning, namely unimodal-concentrated loss.
- Score: 32.35098925000738
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Learning from a label distribution has achieved promising results on ordinal
regression tasks such as facial age and head pose estimation wherein, the
concept of adaptive label distribution learning (ALDL) has drawn lots of
attention recently for its superiority in theory. However, compared with the
methods assuming fixed form label distribution, ALDL methods have not achieved
better performance. We argue that existing ALDL algorithms do not fully exploit
the intrinsic properties of ordinal regression. In this paper, we emphatically
summarize that learning an adaptive label distribution on ordinal regression
tasks should follow three principles. First, the probability corresponding to
the ground-truth should be the highest in label distribution. Second, the
probabilities of neighboring labels should decrease with the increase of
distance away from the ground-truth, i.e., the distribution is unimodal. Third,
the label distribution should vary with samples changing, and even be distinct
for different instances with the same label, due to the different levels of
difficulty and ambiguity. Under the premise of these principles, we propose a
novel loss function for fully adaptive label distribution learning, namely
unimodal-concentrated loss. Specifically, the unimodal loss derived from the
learning to rank strategy constrains the distribution to be unimodal.
Furthermore, the estimation error and the variance of the predicted
distribution for a specific sample are integrated into the proposed
concentrated loss to make the predicted distribution maximize at the
ground-truth and vary according to the predicting uncertainty. Extensive
experimental results on typical ordinal regression tasks including age and head
pose estimation, show the superiority of our proposed unimodal-concentrated
loss compared with existing loss functions.
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