Weakly Supervised Regional and Temporal Learning for Facial Action Unit
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00379v1
- Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 12:02:01 GMT
- Title: Weakly Supervised Regional and Temporal Learning for Facial Action Unit
- Authors: Jingwei Yan, Jingjing Wang, Qiang Li, Chunmao Wang, Shiliang Pu
- Abstract summary: We propose two auxiliary AU related tasks to bridge the gap between limited annotations and the model performance.
A single image based optical flow estimation task is proposed to leverage the dynamic change of facial muscles.
By incorporating semi-supervised learning, we propose an end-to-end trainable framework named weakly supervised regional and temporal learning.
- Score: 36.350407471391065
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Automatic facial action unit (AU) recognition is a challenging task due to
the scarcity of manual annotations. To alleviate this problem, a large amount
of efforts has been dedicated to exploiting various weakly supervised methods
which leverage numerous unlabeled data. However, many aspects with regard to
some unique properties of AUs, such as the regional and relational
characteristics, are not sufficiently explored in previous works. Motivated by
this, we take the AU properties into consideration and propose two auxiliary AU
related tasks to bridge the gap between limited annotations and the model
performance in a self-supervised manner via the unlabeled data. Specifically,
to enhance the discrimination of regional features with AU relation embedding,
we design a task of RoI inpainting to recover the randomly cropped AU patches.
Meanwhile, a single image based optical flow estimation task is proposed to
leverage the dynamic change of facial muscles and encode the motion information
into the global feature representation. Based on these two self-supervised
auxiliary tasks, local features, mutual relation and motion cues of AUs are
better captured in the backbone network. Furthermore, by incorporating
semi-supervised learning, we propose an end-to-end trainable framework named
weakly supervised regional and temporal learning (WSRTL) for AU recognition.
Extensive experiments on BP4D and DISFA demonstrate the superiority of our
method and new state-of-the-art performances are achieved.
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