Time evolution of quantum correlations in presence of state dependent
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00490v1
- Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2022 14:50:16 GMT
- Title: Time evolution of quantum correlations in presence of state dependent
- Authors: Mehboob Rashid, Muzaffar Qadir Lone, and Prince A Ganai
- Abstract summary: We study the extent to which initial system-bath correlations influence the dynamics of quantum entanglement and coherence.
It is shown that at low temperatures, the initial correlations have no role to play while at high temperatures, these correlations strongly influence the dynamics.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The emerging quantum technologies heavily rely on the understanding of
dynamics in open quantum systems. In the Born approximation, the initial
system-bath correlations are often neglected which can be violated in the
strong coupling regimes and quantum state preparation. In order to understand
the influence of initial system-bath correlations, we study the extent to which
these initial correlations and the distance of separation between qubits
influence the dynamics of quantum entanglement and coherence. It is shown that
at low temperatures, the initial correlations have no role to play while at
high temperatures, these correlations strongly influence the dynamics.
Furthermore, we have shown that distance of separation between the qubits in
presence of collective bath helps to maintain entanglement and coherence at
long times.
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