Greedier is Better: Selecting Multiple Neighbors per Iteration for
Sparse Subspace Clustering
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- Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2022 04:20:35 GMT
- Title: Greedier is Better: Selecting Multiple Neighbors per Iteration for
Sparse Subspace Clustering
- Authors: Jwo-Yuh Wu, Liang-Chi Huang, Wen-Hsuan Li, Chun-Hung Liu, and
Rung-Hung Gau
- Abstract summary: This paper proposes a new SSC scheme using generalized OMP (GOMP)
GOMP involves fewer iterations, thereby enjoying lower algorithmic complexity.
The proposed stopping rule is free from off-line estimation of subspace dimension and noise power.
- Score: 18.888312436971187
- License:
- Abstract: Sparse subspace clustering (SSC) using greedy-based neighbor selection, such
as orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP), has been known as a popular
computationally-efficient alternative to the popular L1-minimization based
methods. This paper proposes a new SSC scheme using generalized OMP (GOMP), a
soup-up of OMP whereby multiple neighbors are identified per iteration, along
with a new stopping rule requiring nothing more than a knowledge of the ambient
signal dimension. Compared to conventional OMP, which identifies one neighbor
per iteration, the proposed GOMP method involves fewer iterations, thereby
enjoying lower algorithmic complexity; advantageously, the proposed stopping
rule is free from off-line estimation of subspace dimension and noise power.
Under the semi-random model, analytic performance guarantees, in terms of
neighbor recovery rates, are established to justify the advantage of the
proposed GOMP. The results show that, with a high probability, GOMP (i) is
halted by the proposed stopping rule, and (ii) can retrieve more true neighbors
than OMP, consequently yielding higher final data clustering accuracy. Computer
simulations using both synthetic data and real human face data are provided to
validate our analytic study and evidence the effectiveness of the proposed
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