CowClip: Reducing CTR Prediction Model Training Time from 12 hours to 10
minutes on 1 GPU
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 08:17:15 GMT
- Title: CowClip: Reducing CTR Prediction Model Training Time from 12 hours to 10
minutes on 1 GPU
- Authors: Zangwei Zheng, Pengtai Xu, Xuan Zou, Da Tang, Zhen Li, Chenguang Xi,
Peng Wu, Leqi Zou, Yijie Zhu, Ming Chen, Xiangzhuo Ding, Fuzhao Xue, Ziheng
Qing, Youlong Cheng, Yang You
- Abstract summary: A click-through rate (CTR) prediction task is to predict whether a user will click on the recommended item.
One approach to increase the training speed is to apply large batch training.
We develop the adaptive Column-wise Clipping (CowClip) to stabilize the training process in a large batch size setting.
- Score: 14.764217935910988
- License:
- Abstract: The click-through rate (CTR) prediction task is to predict whether a user
will click on the recommended item. As mind-boggling amounts of data are
produced online daily, accelerating CTR prediction model training is critical
to ensuring an up-to-date model and reducing the training cost. One approach to
increase the training speed is to apply large batch training. However, as shown
in computer vision and natural language processing tasks, training with a large
batch easily suffers from the loss of accuracy. Our experiments show that
previous scaling rules fail in the training of CTR prediction neural networks.
To tackle this problem, we first theoretically show that different frequencies
of ids make it challenging to scale hyperparameters when scaling the batch
size. To stabilize the training process in a large batch size setting, we
develop the adaptive Column-wise Clipping (CowClip). It enables an easy and
effective scaling rule for the embeddings, which keeps the learning rate
unchanged and scales the L2 loss. We conduct extensive experiments with four
CTR prediction networks on two real-world datasets and successfully scaled 128
times the original batch size without accuracy loss. In particular, for CTR
prediction model DeepFM training on the Criteo dataset, our optimization
framework enlarges the batch size from 1K to 128K with over 0.1% AUC
improvement and reduces training time from 12 hours to 10 minutes on a single
V100 GPU. Our code locates at
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