Tight Last-Iterate Convergence of the Extragradient Method for
Constrained Monotone Variational Inequalities
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.09228v1
- Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 05:12:11 GMT
- Title: Tight Last-Iterate Convergence of the Extragradient Method for
Constrained Monotone Variational Inequalities
- Authors: Yang Cai, Argyris Oikonomou, Weiqiang Zheng
- Abstract summary: We show the last-iterate convergence rate of the extragradient method for monotone and Lipschitz variational inequalities with constraints.
We develop a new approach that combines the power of the sum-of-squares programming with the low dimensionality of the update rule of the extragradient method.
- Score: 4.6193503399184275
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The monotone variational inequality is a central problem in mathematical
programming that unifies and generalizes many important settings such as smooth
convex optimization, two-player zero-sum games, convex-concave saddle point
problems, etc. The extragradient method by Korpelevich [1976] is one of the
most popular methods for solving monotone variational inequalities. Despite its
long history and intensive attention from the optimization and machine learning
community, the following major problem remains open. What is the last-iterate
convergence rate of the extragradient method for monotone and Lipschitz
variational inequalities with constraints? We resolve this open problem by
showing a tight $O\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{T}}\right)$ last-iterate convergence
rate for arbitrary convex feasible sets, which matches the lower bound by
Golowich et al. [2020]. Our rate is measured in terms of the standard gap
function. The technical core of our result is the monotonicity of a new
performance measure -- the tangent residual, which can be viewed as an
adaptation of the norm of the operator that takes the local constraints into
account. To establish the monotonicity, we develop a new approach that combines
the power of the sum-of-squares programming with the low dimensionality of the
update rule of the extragradient method. We believe our approach has many
additional applications in the analysis of iterative methods.
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