Spectrum of inner-product kernel matrices in the polynomial regime and
multiple descent phenomenon in kernel ridge regression
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2204.10425v1
- Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 22:20:52 GMT
- Title: Spectrum of inner-product kernel matrices in the polynomial regime and
multiple descent phenomenon in kernel ridge regression
- Authors: Theodor Misiakiewicz
- Abstract summary: kernel matrix is well approximated by its degree-$ell$ approximation.
We show that the spectrum of the matrix converges in distribution to a Marchenko-Pastur law.
- Score: 3.997680012976965
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We study the spectrum of inner-product kernel matrices, i.e., $n \times n$
matrices with entries $h (\langle \textbf{x}_i ,\textbf{x}_j \rangle/d)$ where
the $( \textbf{x}_i)_{i \leq n}$ are i.i.d.~random covariates in
$\mathbb{R}^d$. In the linear high-dimensional regime $n \asymp d$, it was
shown that these matrices are well approximated by their linearization, which
simplifies into the sum of a rescaled Wishart matrix and identity matrix. In
this paper, we generalize this decomposition to the polynomial high-dimensional
regime $n \asymp d^\ell,\ell \in \mathbb{N}$, for data uniformly distributed on
the sphere and hypercube. In this regime, the kernel matrix is well
approximated by its degree-$\ell$ polynomial approximation and can be
decomposed into a low-rank spike matrix, identity and a `Gegenbauer matrix'
with entries $Q_\ell (\langle \textbf{x}_i , \textbf{x}_j \rangle)$, where
$Q_\ell$ is the degree-$\ell$ Gegenbauer polynomial. We show that the spectrum
of the Gegenbauer matrix converges in distribution to a Marchenko-Pastur law.
This problem is motivated by the study of the prediction error of kernel
ridge regression (KRR) in the polynomial regime $n \asymp d^\kappa, \kappa >0$.
Previous work showed that for $\kappa \not\in \mathbb{N}$, KRR fits exactly a
degree-$\lfloor \kappa \rfloor$ polynomial approximation to the target
function. In this paper, we use our characterization of the kernel matrix to
complete this picture and compute the precise asymptotics of the test error in
the limit $n/d^\kappa \to \psi$ with $\kappa \in \mathbb{N}$. In this case, the
test error can present a double descent behavior, depending on the effective
regularization and signal-to-noise ratio at level $\kappa$. Because this double
descent can occur each time $\kappa$ crosses an integer, this explains the
multiple descent phenomenon in the KRR risk curve observed in several previous
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