The Wisdom of Crowds: Temporal Progressive Attention for Early Action
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2023 07:37:37 GMT
- Title: The Wisdom of Crowds: Temporal Progressive Attention for Early Action
- Authors: Alexandros Stergiou, Dima Damen
- Abstract summary: Early action prediction deals with inferring the ongoing action from partially-observed videos, typically at the outset of the video.
We propose a bottleneck-based attention model that captures the evolution of the action, through progressive sampling over fine-to-coarse scales.
- Score: 104.628661890361
- License:
- Abstract: Early action prediction deals with inferring the ongoing action from
partially-observed videos, typically at the outset of the video. We propose a
bottleneck-based attention model that captures the evolution of the action,
through progressive sampling over fine-to-coarse scales. Our proposed Temporal
Progressive (TemPr) model is composed of multiple attention towers, one for
each scale. The predicted action label is based on the collective agreement
considering confidences of these towers. Extensive experiments over four video
datasets showcase state-of-the-art performance on the task of Early Action
Prediction across a range of encoder architectures. We demonstrate the
effectiveness and consistency of TemPr through detailed ablations.
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