Formulating Robustness Against Unforeseen Attacks
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- Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 21:03:36 GMT
- Title: Formulating Robustness Against Unforeseen Attacks
- Authors: Sihui Dai, Saeed Mahloujifar, Prateek Mittal
- Abstract summary: This paper focuses on the scenario where there is a mismatch in the threat model assumed by the defense during training.
We ask the question: if the learner trains against a specific "source" threat model, when can we expect robustness to generalize to a stronger unknown "target" threat model during test-time?
We propose adversarial training with variation regularization (AT-VR) which reduces variation of the feature extractor across the source threat model during training.
- Score: 34.302333899025044
- License:
- Abstract: Existing defenses against adversarial examples such as adversarial training
typically assume that the adversary will conform to a specific or known threat
model, such as $\ell_p$ perturbations within a fixed budget. In this paper, we
focus on the scenario where there is a mismatch in the threat model assumed by
the defense during training, and the actual capabilities of the adversary at
test time. We ask the question: if the learner trains against a specific
"source" threat model, when can we expect robustness to generalize to a
stronger unknown "target" threat model during test-time? Our key contribution
is to formally define the problem of learning and generalization with an
unforeseen adversary, which helps us reason about the increase in adversarial
risk from the conventional perspective of a known adversary. Applying our
framework, we derive a generalization bound which relates the generalization
gap between source and target threat models to variation of the feature
extractor, which measures the expected maximum difference between extracted
features across a given threat model. Based on our generalization bound, we
propose adversarial training with variation regularization (AT-VR) which
reduces variation of the feature extractor across the source threat model
during training. We empirically demonstrate that AT-VR can lead to improved
generalization to unforeseen attacks during test-time compared to standard
adversarial training on Gaussian and image datasets.
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