Pauli String Partitioning Algorithm with the Ising Model for
Simultaneous Measurement
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 07:59:22 GMT
- Title: Pauli String Partitioning Algorithm with the Ising Model for
Simultaneous Measurement
- Authors: Tomochika Kurita, Mikio Morita, Hirotaka Oshima and Shintaro Sato
- Abstract summary: We propose an efficient algorithm for partitioning Pauli strings into subgroups, which can be simultaneously measured in a single quantum circuit.
Our partitioning algorithm drastically reduces the total number of measurements in a variational quantum eigensolver for a quantum chemistry.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We propose an efficient algorithm for partitioning Pauli strings into
subgroups, which can be simultaneously measured in a single quantum circuit.
Our partitioning algorithm drastically reduces the total number of measurements
in a variational quantum eigensolver for a quantum chemistry, one of the most
promising applications of quantum computing. The algorithm is based on the
Ising model optimization problem, which can be quickly solved using an Ising
machine. We develop an algorithm that is applicable to problems with sizes
larger than the maximum number of variables that an Ising machine can handle
($n_\text{bit}$) through its iterative use. The algorithm has much better time
complexity and solution optimality than other algorithms such as
Boppana--Halld\'orsson algorithm and Bron--Kerbosch algorithm, making it useful
for the quick and effective reduction of the number of quantum circuits
required for measuring the expectation values of multiple Pauli strings. We
investigate the performance of the algorithm using the second-generation
Digital Annealer, a high-performance Ising hardware, for up to $65,535$ Pauli
strings using Hamiltonians of molecules and the full tomography of quantum
states. We demonstrate that partitioning problems for quantum chemical
calculations can be solved with a time complexity of $O(N)$ for $N\leq
n_\text{bit}$ and $O(N^2)$ for $N>n_\text{bit}$ for the worst case, where $N$
denotes the number of candidate Pauli strings and $n_\text{bit}=8,192$ for the
second-generation Digital Annealer used in this study. The reduction factor,
which is the number of Pauli strings divided by the number of obtained
partitions, can be $200$ at maximum.
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