Shell-confined atom and plasma: incidental degeneracy, metallic
character and information entropy
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- Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 15:54:02 GMT
- Title: Shell-confined atom and plasma: incidental degeneracy, metallic
character and information entropy
- Authors: Neetik Mukherjee and Amlan K. Roy
- Abstract summary: Shell confined atom can serve as a generalized model to explain both emphfree and emphconfined condition.
In hydrogenic atom, they are termed as (a) free hydrogen atom (b) confined hydrogen atom (CHA) (d) left-confined hydrogen atom (LCHA)
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Shell confined atom can serve as a generalized model to explain both
\emph{free} and \emph{confined} condition. In this scenario, an atom is trapped
inside two concentric spheres of inner $(R_{a})$ and outer $(R_{b})$ radius.
The choice of $R_{a}, R_{b}$ renders four different quantum mechanical systems.
In hydrogenic atom, they are termed as (a) free hydrogen atom (FHA) (b)
confined hydrogen atom (CHA) (c) shell-confined hydrogen atom (SCHA) (d)
left-confined hydrogen atom (LCHA). By placing $R_{a}, R_{b}$ at the location
of radial nodes of respective \emph{free} $n,\ell$ states, a new kind of
degeneracy may arise. At a given $n$ of FHA, there exists
$\frac{n(n+1)(n+2)}{6}$ number of iso-energic states with energy
$-\frac{Z^{2}}{2n^{2}}$. Furthermore, within a given $n$, the individual
contribution of each of these four potentials has also been enumerated. This
incidental degeneracy concept is further explored and analyzed in certain
well-known \emph{plasma} (Debye and exponential cosine screened) systems.
Multipole oscillator strength, $f^{(k)}$, and polarizability, $\alpha^{(k)}$,
are evaluated for (a)-(d) in some low-lying states $(k=1-4)$. In excited
states, \emph{negative} polarizability is also observed. In this context,
metallic behavior of H-like systems in SCHA is discussed and demonstrated.
Additionally analytical closed-form expression of $f^{(k)}$ and $\alpha^{(k)}$
are reported for $1s,2s,2p,3d,4f,5g$ states of FHA. Finally, Shannon entropy
and Onicescu {\color{red}information} energies are investigated in ground state
in SCHA and LCHA in both position and momentum spaces. Much of the results are
reported here for first time.
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