Breaking the $\sqrt{T}$ Barrier: Instance-Independent Logarithmic Regret
in Stochastic Contextual Linear Bandits
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 23:41:46 GMT
- Title: Breaking the $\sqrt{T}$ Barrier: Instance-Independent Logarithmic Regret
in Stochastic Contextual Linear Bandits
- Authors: Avishek Ghosh and Abishek Sankararaman
- Abstract summary: We prove an instance (poly) logarithmic regret for contextual bandits with linear payoff.
contexts indeed help to reduce the regret from $sqrtT$ to $polylog(T)$.
- Score: 10.127456032874978
- License:
- Abstract: We prove an instance independent (poly) logarithmic regret for stochastic
contextual bandits with linear payoff. Previously, in \cite{chu2011contextual},
a lower bound of $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ is shown for the contextual linear
bandit problem with arbitrary (adversarily chosen) contexts. In this paper, we
show that stochastic contexts indeed help to reduce the regret from $\sqrt{T}$
to $\polylog(T)$. We propose Low Regret Stochastic Contextual Bandits
(\texttt{LR-SCB}), which takes advantage of the stochastic contexts and
performs parameter estimation (in $\ell_2$ norm) and regret minimization
simultaneously. \texttt{LR-SCB} works in epochs, where the parameter estimation
of the previous epoch is used to reduce the regret of the current epoch. The
(poly) logarithmic regret of \texttt{LR-SCB} stems from two crucial facts: (a)
the application of a norm adaptive algorithm to exploit the parameter
estimation and (b) an analysis of the shifted linear contextual bandit
algorithm, showing that shifting results in increasing regret. We have also
shown experimentally that stochastic contexts indeed incurs a regret that
scales with $\polylog(T)$.
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