Uzbek affix finite state machine for stemming
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- Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 10:46:53 GMT
- Title: Uzbek affix finite state machine for stemming
- Authors: Maksud Sharipov, Ulugbek Salaev
- Abstract summary: The proposed methodology is a morphologic analysis of Uzbek words by using an affix to find a root and without including any lexicon.
This method helps to perform morphological analysis of words from a large amount of text at high speed as well as it is not required using of memory for keeping vocabulary.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: This work presents a morphological analyzer for the Uzbek language using a
finite state machine. The proposed methodology is a morphologic analysis of
Uzbek words by using an affix striping to find a root and without including any
lexicon. This method helps to perform morphological analysis of words from a
large amount of text at high speed as well as it is not required using of
memory for keeping vocabulary. According to Uzbek, an agglutinative language
can be designed with finite state machines (FSMs). In contrast to the previous
works, this study modeled the completed FSMs for all word classes by using the
Uzbek language's morphotactic rules in right to left order. This paper shows
the stages of this methodology including the classification of the affixes, the
generation of the FSMs for each affix class, and the combination into a head
machine to make analysis a word.
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