Meta-Learning Adversarial Bandits
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- Date: Fri, 27 May 2022 17:40:32 GMT
- Title: Meta-Learning Adversarial Bandits
- Authors: Maria-Florina Balcan, Keegan Harris, Mikhail Khodak, Zhiwei Steven Wu
- Abstract summary: We study online learning with bandit feedback across multiple tasks, with the goal of improving average performance across tasks if they are similar according to some natural task-similarity measure.
As the first to target the adversarial setting, we design a meta-algorithm that setting-specific guarantees for two important cases: multi-armed bandits (MAB) and bandit optimization (BLO)
Our guarantees rely on proving that unregularized follow-the-leader combined with multiplicative weights is enough to online learn a non-smooth and non-B sequence.
- Score: 49.094361442409785
- License:
- Abstract: We study online learning with bandit feedback across multiple tasks, with the
goal of improving average performance across tasks if they are similar
according to some natural task-similarity measure. As the first to target the
adversarial setting, we design a unified meta-algorithm that yields
setting-specific guarantees for two important cases: multi-armed bandits (MAB)
and bandit linear optimization (BLO). For MAB, the meta-algorithm tunes the
initialization, step-size, and entropy parameter of the Tsallis-entropy
generalization of the well-known Exp3 method, with the task-averaged regret
provably improving if the entropy of the distribution over estimated
optima-in-hindsight is small. For BLO, we learn the initialization, step-size,
and boundary-offset of online mirror descent (OMD) with self-concordant barrier
regularizers, showing that task-averaged regret varies directly with a measure
induced by these functions on the interior of the action space. Our adaptive
guarantees rely on proving that unregularized follow-the-leader combined with
multiplicative weights is enough to online learn a non-smooth and non-convex
sequence of affine functions of Bregman divergences that upper-bound the regret
of OMD.
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