COVID-19 Literature Mining and Retrieval using Text Mining Approaches
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- Date: Sun, 29 May 2022 22:34:19 GMT
- Title: COVID-19 Literature Mining and Retrieval using Text Mining Approaches
- Authors: Sanku Satya Uday, Satti Thanuja Pavani, T. Jaya Lakshmi, Rohit
- Abstract summary: The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) began in Wuhan, China, in late 2019 and to date has infected over 148M people worldwide.
Many academicians and researchers started to publish papers describing the latest discoveries on covid-19.
The proposed model attempts to extract relavent titles from the large corpus of research publications.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) began in Wuhan, China, in late 2019
and to date has infected over 148M people worldwide, resulting in 3.12M deaths.
On March 10, 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it as a global
pandemic. Many academicians and researchers started to publish papers
describing the latest discoveries on covid-19. The large influx of publications
made it hard for other researchers to go through a large amount of data and
find the appropriate one that helps their research. So, the proposed model
attempts to extract relavent titles from the large corpus of research
publications which makes the job easy for the researchers. Allen Institute for
AI released the CORD-19 dataset, which consists of 2,00,000 journal articles
related to coronavirus-related research publications from PubMed's PMC, WHO
(World Health Organization), bioRxiv, and medRxiv pre-prints. Along with this
document corpus, they have also provided a topics dataset named topics-rnd3
consisting of a list of topics. Each topic has three types of representations
like query, question, and narrative. These Datasets are made open for research,
and also they released a TREC-COVID competition on Kaggle. Using these topics
like queries, our goal is to find out the relevant documents in the CORD-19
dataset. In this research, relevant documents should be recognized for the
posed topics in topics-rnd3 data set. The proposed model uses Natural Language
Processing(NLP) techniques like Bag-of-Words, Average Word-2-Vec, Average BERT
Base model and Tf-Idf weighted Word2Vec model to fabricate vectors for query,
question, narrative, and combinations of them. Similarly, fabricate vectors for
titles in the CORD-19 dataset. After fabricating vectors, cosine similarity is
used for finding similarities between every two vectors. Cosine similarity
helps us to find relevant documents for the given topic.
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