Elastic Monte Carlo Tree Search with State Abstraction for Strategy Game
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15126v1
- Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 14:18:45 GMT
- Title: Elastic Monte Carlo Tree Search with State Abstraction for Strategy Game
- Authors: Linjie Xu, Jorge Hurtado-Grueso, Dominic Jeurissen, Diego Perez
Liebana, Alexander Dockhorn
- Abstract summary: Strategy video games challenge AI agents with their search space caused by complex game elements.
State abstraction is a popular technique that reduces the state space complexity.
We propose Elastic MCTS, an algorithm that uses state abstraction to play strategy games.
- Score: 58.720142291102135
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Strategy video games challenge AI agents with their combinatorial search
space caused by complex game elements. State abstraction is a popular technique
that reduces the state space complexity. However, current state abstraction
methods for games depend on domain knowledge, making their application to new
games expensive. State abstraction methods that require no domain knowledge are
studied extensively in the planning domain. However, no evidence shows they
scale well with the complexity of strategy games. In this paper, we propose
Elastic MCTS, an algorithm that uses state abstraction to play strategy games.
In Elastic MCTS, the nodes of the tree are clustered dynamically, first grouped
together progressively by state abstraction, and then separated when an
iteration threshold is reached. The elastic changes benefit from efficient
searching brought by state abstraction but avoid the negative influence of
using state abstraction for the whole search. To evaluate our method, we make
use of the general strategy games platform Stratega to generate scenarios of
varying complexity. Results show that Elastic MCTS outperforms MCTS baselines
with a large margin, while reducing the tree size by a factor of $10$. Code can
be found at: https://github.com/egg-west/Stratega
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