A Computation and Communication Efficient Method for Distributed
Nonconvex Problems in the Partial Participation Setting
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2205.15580v4
- Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2024 14:21:38 GMT
- Title: A Computation and Communication Efficient Method for Distributed
Nonconvex Problems in the Partial Participation Setting
- Authors: Alexander Tyurin, Peter Richt\'arik
- Abstract summary: We present a new method that includes three key components: variance reduction, partial participation, and compressed communication.
We prove that the new method has optimal oracle complexity and state-of-the-art communication complexity in the partial participation setting.
- Score: 58.59873548589766
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We present a new method that includes three key components of distributed
optimization and federated learning: variance reduction of stochastic
gradients, partial participation, and compressed communication. We prove that
the new method has optimal oracle complexity and state-of-the-art communication
complexity in the partial participation setting. Regardless of the
communication compression feature, our method successfully combines variance
reduction and partial participation: we get the optimal oracle complexity,
never need the participation of all nodes, and do not require the bounded
gradients (dissimilarity) assumption.
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