Geometrically Guided Integrated Gradients
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- Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 05:05:43 GMT
- Title: Geometrically Guided Integrated Gradients
- Authors: Md Mahfuzur Rahman, Noah Lewis, Sergey Plis
- Abstract summary: We introduce an interpretability method called "geometrically-guided integrated gradients"
Our method explores the model's dynamic behavior from multiple scaled versions of the input and captures the best possible attribution for each input.
We also propose a "model perturbation" sanity check to complement the traditionally used "model randomization" test.
- Score: 0.3867363075280543
- License:
- Abstract: Interpretability methods for deep neural networks mainly focus on the
sensitivity of the class score with respect to the original or perturbed input,
usually measured using actual or modified gradients. Some methods also use a
model-agnostic approach to understanding the rationale behind every prediction.
In this paper, we argue and demonstrate that local geometry of the model
parameter space relative to the input can also be beneficial for improved
post-hoc explanations. To achieve this goal, we introduce an interpretability
method called "geometrically-guided integrated gradients" that builds on top of
the gradient calculation along a linear path as traditionally used in
integrated gradient methods. However, instead of integrating gradient
information, our method explores the model's dynamic behavior from multiple
scaled versions of the input and captures the best possible attribution for
each input. We demonstrate through extensive experiments that the proposed
approach outperforms vanilla and integrated gradients in subjective and
quantitative assessment. We also propose a "model perturbation" sanity check to
complement the traditionally used "model randomization" test.
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