On the well-spread property and its relation to linear regression
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.08092v1
- Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 11:17:44 GMT
- Title: On the well-spread property and its relation to linear regression
- Authors: Hongjie Chen, Tommaso d'Orsi
- Abstract summary: We show that consistent recovery of the parameter vector in a robust linear regression model is information-theoretically impossible.
We show that it is possible to efficiently certify whether a given $n$-by-$d$ matrix is well-spread if the number of observations is quadratic in the ambient dimension.
- Score: 4.619541348328937
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We consider the robust linear regression model $\boldsymbol{y} = X\beta^* +
\boldsymbol{\eta}$, where an adversary oblivious to the design $X \in
\mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$ may choose $\boldsymbol{\eta}$ to corrupt all but a
(possibly vanishing) fraction of the observations $\boldsymbol{y}$ in an
arbitrary way. Recent work [dLN+21, dNS21] has introduced efficient algorithms
for consistent recovery of the parameter vector. These algorithms crucially
rely on the design matrix being well-spread (a matrix is well-spread if its
column span is far from any sparse vector).
In this paper, we show that there exists a family of design matrices lacking
well-spreadness such that consistent recovery of the parameter vector in the
above robust linear regression model is information-theoretically impossible.
We further investigate the average-case time complexity of certifying
well-spreadness of random matrices. We show that it is possible to efficiently
certify whether a given $n$-by-$d$ Gaussian matrix is well-spread if the number
of observations is quadratic in the ambient dimension. We complement this
result by showing rigorous evidence -- in the form of a lower bound against
low-degree polynomials -- of the computational hardness of this same
certification problem when the number of observations is $o(d^2)$.
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