Slow electron elastic scattering by a target represented by different
zero-range potentials
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- Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 11:25:48 GMT
- Title: Slow electron elastic scattering by a target represented by different
zero-range potentials
- Authors: A. S. Baltenkov and I. Woiciechowski
- Abstract summary: The phase shifts of wave function of a particle scattering on a target formed by a pair of non-identical zero-range potentials are calculated.
The special features of the S-matrix method for the case of arbitrary non-spherical potentials are discussed.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The general formulas to calculate the phase shifts of wave function of a
particle scattering on a target formed by a pair of non-identical zero-range
potentials are derived. It is shown that at asymptotically great distances from
the target the continuum wave function of particle is presented as an expansion
in a set of other than spherical, orthonormal functions. General formulas for
these functions are obtained. The special features of the S-matrix method for
the case of arbitrary non-spherical potentials are discussed.
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