Page curve and symmetries
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- Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 08:31:01 GMT
- Title: Page curve and symmetries
- Authors: Pak Hang Chris Lau, Toshifumi Noumi, Yuhei Takii, Kotaro Tamaoka
- Abstract summary: We consider a qubit system with a random dynamics as a toy model of black hole.
We compute its symmetry-resolved entropies and discuss its implications.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Motivated by the quantum process of black hole evaporation and its
implications for symmetries, we consider a qubit system with a random dynamics
as a toy model of black hole. We compute its symmetry-resolved entropies and
discuss its implications. We first consider the case where charges are
conserved and compute the symmetry-resolved entropies. We derive a
symmetry-resolved analogue of the Page curve. We then consider the case where
symmetry is explicitly broken and charges are no longer conserved. It serves as
a toy model for global symmetry breaking in black hole evaporation. Despite the
simple framework, the symmetry-resolved entropies capture various interesting
features during the analogous process of black hole evaporation in our qubit
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