Risk-averse Contextual Multi-armed Bandit Problem with Linear Payoffs
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.12463v1
- Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2022 18:48:35 GMT
- Title: Risk-averse Contextual Multi-armed Bandit Problem with Linear Payoffs
- Authors: Yifan Lin, Yuhao Wang, Enlu Zhou
- Abstract summary: We consider the contextual multi-armed bandit problem for linear payoffs under a risk-averse criterion.
At each round, contexts are revealed for each arm, and the decision maker chooses one arm to pull and receives the corresponding reward.
We apply the Thompson Sampling algorithm for the disjoint model, and provide a comprehensive regret analysis for a variant of the proposed algorithm.
- Score: 7.125769932993104
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this paper we consider the contextual multi-armed bandit problem for
linear payoffs under a risk-averse criterion. At each round, contexts are
revealed for each arm, and the decision maker chooses one arm to pull and
receives the corresponding reward. In particular, we consider mean-variance as
the risk criterion, and the best arm is the one with the largest mean-variance
reward. We apply the Thompson Sampling algorithm for the disjoint model, and
provide a comprehensive regret analysis for a variant of the proposed
algorithm. For $T$ rounds, $K$ actions, and $d$-dimensional feature vectors, we
prove a regret bound of $O((1+\rho+\frac{1}{\rho}) d\ln T \ln
\frac{K}{\delta}\sqrt{d K T^{1+2\epsilon} \ln \frac{K}{\delta}
\frac{1}{\epsilon}})$ that holds with probability $1-\delta$ under the
mean-variance criterion with risk tolerance $\rho$, for any
$0<\epsilon<\frac{1}{2}$, $0<\delta<1$. The empirical performance of our
proposed algorithms is demonstrated via a portfolio selection problem.
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