Quantum particle in a spherical well confined by a cone
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.01521v1
- Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2022 15:32:41 GMT
- Title: Quantum particle in a spherical well confined by a cone
- Authors: Raz Halifa Levi and Yacov Kantor
- Abstract summary: We consider the quantum problem of a particle in either a spherical box or a finite spherical well confined by a circular cone.
The angular parts of the eigenstates depend on azimuthal angle $varphi$ and polar angle $theta$ as $P_lambdam(costheta)rm eimvarphi$.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We consider the quantum problem of a particle in either a spherical box or a
finite spherical well confined by a circular cone with an apex angle
$2\theta_0$ emanating from the center of the sphere, with $0<\theta_0<\pi$.
This non-central potential can be solved by an extension of techniques used in
spherically-symmetric problems. The angular parts of the eigenstates depend on
azimuthal angle $\varphi$ and polar angle $\theta$ as
$P_\lambda^m(\cos\theta){\rm e}^{im\varphi}$ where $P_\lambda^m$ is the
associated Legendre function of integer order $m$ and (usually noninteger)
degree $\lambda$. There is an infinite discrete set of values
$\lambda=\lambda_i^m$ ($i=0,1,3,\dots$) that depend on $m$ and $\theta_0$. Each
$\lambda_i^m$ has an infinite sequence of eigenenergies $E_n(\lambda_i^m)$,
with corresponding radial parts of eigenfunctions. In a spherical box the
discrete energy spectrum is determined by the zeros of the spherical Bessel
functions. For several $\theta_0$ we demonstrate the validity of Weyl's
continuous estimate ${\cal N}_W$ for the exact number of states $\cal N$ up to
energy $E$, and evaluate the fluctuations of $\cal N$ around ${\cal N}_W$. We
examine the behavior of bound states in a well of finite depth $U_0$, and find
the critical value $U_c(\theta_0)$ when all bound states disappear. The radial
part of the zero energy eigenstate outside the well is $1/r^{\lambda+1}$, which
is not square-integrable for $\lambda\le 1/2$. ($0<\lambda\le 1/2$ can appear
for $\theta_0>\theta_c\approx 0.726\pi$ and has no parallel in
spherically-symmetric potentials.) Bound states have spatial extent $\xi$ which
diverges as a (possibly $\lambda$-dependent) power law as $U_0$ approaches the
value where the eigenenergy of that state vanishes.
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