DPText-DETR: Towards Better Scene Text Detection with Dynamic Points in
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.04491v1
- Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 15:45:16 GMT
- Title: DPText-DETR: Towards Better Scene Text Detection with Dynamic Points in
- Authors: Maoyuan Ye, Jing Zhang, Shanshan Zhao, Juhua Liu, Bo Du, Dacheng Tao
- Abstract summary: Transformer-based methods, which predict polygon points or Bezier curve control points to localize texts, are quite popular in scene text detection.
However, the used point label form implies the reading order of humans, which affects the robustness of Transformer model.
We propose DPText-DETR, which directly uses point coordinates as queries and dynamically updates them between decoder layers.
- Score: 94.35116535588332
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Recently, Transformer-based methods, which predict polygon points or Bezier
curve control points to localize texts, are quite popular in scene text
detection. However, the used point label form implies the reading order of
humans, which affects the robustness of Transformer model. As for the model
architecture, the formulation of queries used in decoder has not been fully
explored by previous methods. In this paper, we propose a concise dynamic point
scene text detection Transformer network termed DPText-DETR, which directly
uses point coordinates as queries and dynamically updates them between decoder
layers. We point out a simple yet effective positional point label form to
tackle the side effect of the original one. Moreover, an Enhanced Factorized
Self-Attention module is designed to explicitly model the circular shape of
polygon point sequences beyond non-local attention. Extensive experiments prove
the training efficiency, robustness, and state-of-the-art performance on
various arbitrary shape scene text benchmarks. Beyond detector, we observe that
existing end-to-end spotters struggle to recognize inverse-like texts. To
evaluate their performance objectively and facilitate future research, we
propose an Inverse-Text test set containing 500 manually labeled images. The
code and Inverse-Text test set will be available at
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