Information Processing Equalities and the Information-Risk Bridge
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- Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 11:48:47 GMT
- Title: Information Processing Equalities and the Information-Risk Bridge
- Authors: Robert C. Williamson and Zac Cranko
- Abstract summary: We introduce two new classes of measures of information for statistical experiments.
We derive a simple geometrical relationship between measures of information and the Bayes risk of a statistical decision problem.
- Score: 10.451984251615512
- License:
- Abstract: We introduce two new classes of measures of information for statistical
experiments which generalise and subsume $\phi$-divergences, integral
probability metrics, $\mathfrak{N}$-distances (MMD), and $(f,\Gamma)$
divergences between two or more distributions. This enables us to derive a
simple geometrical relationship between measures of information and the Bayes
risk of a statistical decision problem, thus extending the variational
$\phi$-divergence representation to multiple distributions in an entirely
symmetric manner. The new families of divergence are closed under the action of
Markov operators which yields an information processing equality which is a
refinement and generalisation of the classical data processing inequality. This
equality gives insight into the significance of the choice of the hypothesis
class in classical risk minimization.
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