Dynamical encircling exceptional point in largely detuned multimode
optomechanical system
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.01228v1
- Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2022 03:36:24 GMT
- Title: Dynamical encircling exceptional point in largely detuned multimode
optomechanical system
- Authors: Dan Long, Xuan Mao, Guo-Qing Qin, Hao Zhang, Min Wang, Gui-Qin Li, and
Gui-Lu Long
- Abstract summary: Dynamical encircling exceptional point(EP) shows a number of intriguing physical phenomena and its potential applications.
We study the dynamical encircling EP, i.e. state transfer process, in largely detuned multimode optomechanical system.
- Score: 5.994365276219625
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Dynamical encircling exceptional point(EP) shows a number of intriguing
physical phenomena and its potential applications. To enrich the manipulations
of optical systems in experiment, here, we study the dynamical encircling EP,
i.e. state transfer process, in largely detuned multimode optomechanical
system. The process of state transfer has been investigated with different
factors about the location of start point, the orientation and the initial
state of the trajectories around the EP in parameter space. Results show that
the nonreciprocal and the chiral topological energy transfer between two
optical modes are performed successfully by tuning the effective optomechanical
coupling in the multimode system with large detuning. Moreover, the factor of
evolution speed about system parameters is also discussed. Our work
demonstrates the fundamental physics around EP in large detuning domain of
multimode optomechanical system and provides an alternative for manipulating of
optical modes in non-hermitian system.
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