A Novel Multi-Task Learning Approach for Context-Sensitive Compound Type
Identification in Sanskrit
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.10310v1
- Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 13:41:51 GMT
- Title: A Novel Multi-Task Learning Approach for Context-Sensitive Compound Type
Identification in Sanskrit
- Authors: Jivnesh Sandhan, Ashish Gupta, Hrishikesh Terdalkar, Tushar Sandhan,
Suvendu Samanta, Laxmidhar Behera and Pawan Goyal
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel multi-task learning architecture which incorporates the contextual information and enriches the complementary syntactic information.
Experiments on the benchmark datasets for SaCTI show 6.1 points (Accuracy) and 7.7 points (F1-score) absolute gain compared to the state-of-the-art system.
- Score: 13.742271198030998
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The phenomenon of compounding is ubiquitous in Sanskrit. It serves for
achieving brevity in expressing thoughts, while simultaneously enriching the
lexical and structural formation of the language. In this work, we focus on the
Sanskrit Compound Type Identification (SaCTI) task, where we consider the
problem of identifying semantic relations between the components of a compound
word. Earlier approaches solely rely on the lexical information obtained from
the components and ignore the most crucial contextual and syntactic information
useful for SaCTI. However, the SaCTI task is challenging primarily due to the
implicitly encoded context-sensitive semantic relation between the compound
Thus, we propose a novel multi-task learning architecture which incorporates
the contextual information and enriches the complementary syntactic information
using morphological tagging and dependency parsing as two auxiliary tasks.
Experiments on the benchmark datasets for SaCTI show 6.1 points (Accuracy) and
7.7 points (F1-score) absolute gain compared to the state-of-the-art system.
Further, our multi-lingual experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed
architecture in English and Marathi languages.The code and datasets are
publicly available at https://github.com/ashishgupta2598/SaCTI
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