Actor-identified Spatiotemporal Action Detection -- Detecting Who Is
Doing What in Videos
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2022 06:51:12 GMT
- Title: Actor-identified Spatiotemporal Action Detection -- Detecting Who Is
Doing What in Videos
- Authors: Fan Yang, Norimichi Ukita, Sakriani Sakti, Satoshi Nakamura
- Abstract summary: Temporal Action Detection (TAD) has been investigated for estimating the start and end time for each action in videos.
Spatiotemporal Action Detection (SAD) has been studied for localizing the action both spatially and temporally in videos.
We propose a novel task, Actor-identified Spatiotemporal Action Detection (ASAD) to bridge the gap between SAD actor identification.
- Score: 29.5205455437899
- License:
- Abstract: The success of deep learning on video Action Recognition (AR) has motivated
researchers to progressively promote related tasks from the coarse level to the
fine-grained level. Compared with conventional AR that only predicts an action
label for the entire video, Temporal Action Detection (TAD) has been
investigated for estimating the start and end time for each action in videos.
Taking TAD a step further, Spatiotemporal Action Detection (SAD) has been
studied for localizing the action both spatially and temporally in videos.
However, who performs the action, is generally ignored in SAD, while
identifying the actor could also be important. To this end, we propose a novel
task, Actor-identified Spatiotemporal Action Detection (ASAD), to bridge the
gap between SAD and actor identification.
In ASAD, we not only detect the spatiotemporal boundary for instance-level
action but also assign the unique ID to each actor. To approach ASAD, Multiple
Object Tracking (MOT) and Action Classification (AC) are two fundamental
elements. By using MOT, the spatiotemporal boundary of each actor is obtained
and assigned to a unique actor identity. By using AC, the action class is
estimated within the corresponding spatiotemporal boundary. Since ASAD is a new
task, it poses many new challenges that cannot be addressed by existing
methods: i) no dataset is specifically created for ASAD, ii) no evaluation
metrics are designed for ASAD, iii) current MOT performance is the bottleneck
to obtain satisfactory ASAD results. To address those problems, we contribute
to i) annotate a new ASAD dataset, ii) propose ASAD evaluation metrics by
considering multi-label actions and actor identification, iii) improve the data
association strategies in MOT to boost the MOT performance, which leads to
better ASAD results. The code is available at
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