Deep-Learning-Based Device Fingerprinting for Increased LoRa-IoT
Security: Sensitivity to Network Deployment Changes
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:53:05 GMT
- Title: Deep-Learning-Based Device Fingerprinting for Increased LoRa-IoT
Security: Sensitivity to Network Deployment Changes
- Authors: Bechir Hamdaoui and Abdurrahman Elmaghbub
- Abstract summary: We study and analyze the sensitivity of LoRa RF fingerprinting to various network setting changes.
We propose a new fingerprinting technique that exploits out-of-band distortion information to increase the fingerprinting accuracy.
Our results show that fingerprinting does relatively well when the learning models are trained and tested under the same settings.
- Score: 10.698553177585973
- License:
- Abstract: Deep-learning-based device fingerprinting has recently been recognized as a
key enabler for automated network access authentication. Its robustness to
impersonation attacks due to the inherent difficulty of replicating physical
features is what distinguishes it from conventional cryptographic solutions.
Although device fingerprinting has shown promising performances, its
sensitivity to changes in the network operating environment still poses a major
limitation. This paper presents an experimental framework that aims to study
and overcome the sensitivity of LoRa-enabled device fingerprinting to such
changes. We first begin by describing RF datasets we collected using our
LoRa-enabled wireless device testbed. We then propose a new fingerprinting
technique that exploits out-of-band distortion information caused by hardware
impairments to increase the fingerprinting accuracy. Finally, we experimentally
study and analyze the sensitivity of LoRa RF fingerprinting to various network
setting changes. Our results show that fingerprinting does relatively well when
the learning models are trained and tested under the same settings. However,
when trained and tested under different settings, these models exhibit moderate
sensitivity to channel condition changes and severe sensitivity to protocol
configuration and receiver hardware changes when IQ data is used as input.
However, with FFT data is used as input, they perform poorly under any change.
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