ViA: View-invariant Skeleton Action Representation Learning via Motion
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:49:38 GMT
- Title: ViA: View-invariant Skeleton Action Representation Learning via Motion
- Authors: Di Yang, Yaohui Wang, Antitza Dantcheva, Lorenzo Garattoni, Gianpiero
Francesca, Francois Bremond
- Abstract summary: ViA is a novel View-Invariant Autoencoder for self-supervised skeleton action representation learning.
We conduct a study focusing on transfer-learning for skeleton-based action recognition with self-supervised pre-training on real-world data.
Our results showcase that skeleton representations learned from ViA are generic enough to improve upon state-of-the-art action classification accuracy.
- Score: 10.811088895926776
- License:
- Abstract: Current self-supervised approaches for skeleton action representation
learning often focus on constrained scenarios, where videos and skeleton data
are recorded in laboratory settings. When dealing with estimated skeleton data
in real-world videos, such methods perform poorly due to the large variations
across subjects and camera viewpoints. To address this issue, we introduce ViA,
a novel View-Invariant Autoencoder for self-supervised skeleton action
representation learning. ViA leverages motion retargeting between different
human performers as a pretext task, in order to disentangle the latent
action-specific `Motion' features on top of the visual representation of a 2D
or 3D skeleton sequence. Such `Motion' features are invariant to skeleton
geometry and camera view and allow ViA to facilitate both, cross-subject and
cross-view action classification tasks. We conduct a study focusing on
transfer-learning for skeleton-based action recognition with self-supervised
pre-training on real-world data (e.g., Posetics). Our results showcase that
skeleton representations learned from ViA are generic enough to improve upon
state-of-the-art action classification accuracy, not only on 3D laboratory
datasets such as NTU-RGB+D 60 and NTU-RGB+D 120, but also on real-world
datasets where only 2D data are accurately estimated, e.g., Toyota Smarthome,
UAV-Human and Penn Action.
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