Property inference attack; Graph neural networks; Privacy attacks and
defense; Trustworthy machine learning
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- Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 14:59:37 GMT
- Title: Property inference attack; Graph neural networks; Privacy attacks and
defense; Trustworthy machine learning
- Authors: Xiuling Wang and Wendy Hui Wang
- Abstract summary: Machine learning models are vulnerable to privacy attacks that leak information about the training data.
In this work, we focus on a particular type of privacy attacks named property inference attack (PIA)
We consider Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) as the target model, and distribution of particular groups of nodes and links in the training graph as the target property.
- Score: 5.598383724295497
- License:
- Abstract: With the fast adoption of machine learning (ML) techniques, sharing of ML
models is becoming popular. However, ML models are vulnerable to privacy
attacks that leak information about the training data. In this work, we focus
on a particular type of privacy attacks named property inference attack (PIA)
which infers the sensitive properties of the training data through the access
to the target ML model. In particular, we consider Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
as the target model, and distribution of particular groups of nodes and links
in the training graph as the target property. While the existing work has
investigated PIAs that target at graph-level properties, no prior works have
studied the inference of node and link properties at group level yet.
In this work, we perform the first systematic study of group property
inference attacks (GPIA) against GNNs. First, we consider a taxonomy of threat
models under both black-box and white-box settings with various types of
adversary knowledge, and design six different attacks for these settings. We
evaluate the effectiveness of these attacks through extensive experiments on
three representative GNN models and three real-world graphs. Our results
demonstrate the effectiveness of these attacks whose accuracy outperforms the
baseline approaches. Second, we analyze the underlying factors that contribute
to GPIA's success, and show that the target model trained on the graphs with or
without the target property represents some dissimilarity in model parameters
and/or model outputs, which enables the adversary to infer the existence of the
property. Further, we design a set of defense mechanisms against the GPIA
attacks, and demonstrate that these mechanisms can reduce attack accuracy
effectively with small loss on GNN model accuracy.
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