Algorithms for Discrepancy, Matchings, and Approximations: Fast, Simple,
and Practical
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- Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 15:59:09 GMT
- Title: Algorithms for Discrepancy, Matchings, and Approximations: Fast, Simple,
and Practical
- Authors: M\'onika Csik\'os and Nabil H. Mustafa
- Abstract summary: Given a finite set system $(X,mathcal S)$, the emphdiscrepancy of a two-coloring $chi:Xto-1,1$ is defined as $max_S in mathcal S|chi(S)|$.
We propose a randomized algorithm which, for any $d>0$ and $(X,mathcal S)$ with dual shatter function $pi*(k)=O(kd)$, returns a coloring with expected discrepancy
- Score: 1.2183405753834562
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- Abstract: We study one of the key tools in data approximation and optimization:
low-discrepancy colorings. Formally, given a finite set system $(X,\mathcal
S)$, the \emph{discrepancy} of a two-coloring $\chi:X\to\{-1,1\}$ is defined as
$\max_{S \in \mathcal S}|{\chi(S)}|$, where $\chi(S)=\sum\limits_{x \in
We propose a randomized algorithm which, for any $d>0$ and $(X,\mathcal S)$
with dual shatter function $\pi^*(k)=O(k^d)$, returns a coloring with expected
discrepancy $O\left({\sqrt{|X|^{1-1/d}\log|\mathcal S|}}\right)$ (this bound is
tight) in time $\tilde O\left({|\mathcal S|\cdot|X|^{1/d}+|X|^{2+1/d}}\right)$,
improving upon the previous-best time of $O\left(|\mathcal S|\cdot|X|^3\right)$
by at least a factor of $|X|^{2-1/d}$ when $|\mathcal S|\geq|X|$. This setup
includes many geometric classes, families of bounded dual VC-dimension, and
others. As an immediate consequence, we obtain an improved algorithm to
construct $\varepsilon$-approximations of sub-quadratic size.
Our method uses primal-dual reweighing with an improved analysis of randomly
updated weights and exploits the structural properties of the set system via
matchings with low crossing number -- a fundamental structure in computational
geometry. In particular, we get the same $|X|^{2-1/d}$ factor speed-up on the
construction time of matchings with crossing number
$O\left({|X|^{1-1/d}}\right)$, which is the first improvement since the 1980s.
The proposed algorithms are very simple, which makes it possible, for the
first time, to compute colorings with near-optimal discrepancies and
near-optimal sized approximations for abstract and geometric set systems in
dimensions higher than $2$.
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