TEACH: Temporal Action Composition for 3D Humans
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.04066v2
- Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 16:34:20 GMT
- Title: TEACH: Temporal Action Composition for 3D Humans
- Authors: Nikos Athanasiou, Mathis Petrovich, Michael J. Black, G\"ul Varol
- Abstract summary: Given a series of natural language descriptions, our task is to generate 3D human motions that correspond semantically to the text.
In particular, our goal is to enable the synthesis of a series of actions, which we refer to as temporal action composition.
- Score: 50.97135662063117
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Given a series of natural language descriptions, our task is to generate 3D
human motions that correspond semantically to the text, and follow the temporal
order of the instructions. In particular, our goal is to enable the synthesis
of a series of actions, which we refer to as temporal action composition. The
current state of the art in text-conditioned motion synthesis only takes a
single action or a single sentence as input. This is partially due to lack of
suitable training data containing action sequences, but also due to the
computational complexity of their non-autoregressive model formulation, which
does not scale well to long sequences. In this work, we address both issues.
First, we exploit the recent BABEL motion-text collection, which has a wide
range of labeled actions, many of which occur in a sequence with transitions
between them. Next, we design a Transformer-based approach that operates
non-autoregressively within an action, but autoregressively within the sequence
of actions. This hierarchical formulation proves effective in our experiments
when compared with multiple baselines. Our approach, called TEACH for "TEmporal
Action Compositions for Human motions", produces realistic human motions for a
wide variety of actions and temporal compositions from language descriptions.
To encourage work on this new task, we make our code available for research
purposes at our $\href{teach.is.tue.mpg.de}{\text{website}}$.
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